Abuse of the market or of consumer and user regulations
Reportable conduct: - Any conduct aimed at distorting the market or free competition - Any conduct carried out within the organisation that infringes consumer and user rights for the purpose of correcting it as quickly as possible and remedying the possible error. |
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Acts of corruption and bribery
Any act that entails giving to or receiving from suppliers, customers, partners, etc., any kind of preferential treatment, money, gifts or favours that could lead to a change in the conduct of said third parties or of the organisation’s employees or directors shall be reportable. |
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Any other conduct that entails committing a serious or very serious administrative offence
Any conduct carried out at the company that entails infringement of an administrative rule shall be reportable. |
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Any other conduct that involves committing a crime
Any conduct that involves committing a crime within the company or within the activity inherent to the organisation shall be reportable. |
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Breach of regulations on privacy and personal data protection, network and IT system security
Any conduct that violates applicable regulations on personal data protection, IT systems and network security, whether committed internally or externally (for example, if the violation is committed against a customer) shall be reportable. |
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Breaches of regulations on product safety and conformity, transport, foodstuffs and fodder, animal health and wellbeing
Any non-conformity or breach that arises at the company in relation to product safety and compliance with applicable regulations or standards, or rules on transportation safety, foodstuffs and fodder safety or animal wellbeing shall be reported. |
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Crimes and offences against the social security and treasury authorities
Any conduct aimed at defrauding or fraudulently benefiting from profits, deductions or failure to pay the social security or treasury authorities shall be reportable if it is classified as a criminal or administrative offence. |
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Environmental and similar damage or offences
Any conduct carried out within the organisation that clearly entails a detriment to the environment or that infringes environmental regulations or radiation protection and nuclear safety regulations shall be reportable. |
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Infringements of corporate income tax rules
Any conduct that infringes any rules on corporate income tax shall be reportable |
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Infringements of workplace health and safety provisions of labour laws
Any conduct committed by the organisation that leads to an erosion of its employees’ workers’ rights and safety shall be reportable. |
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Internal and external fraud
Any acts committed within the organisation shall be reportable if they entail: - A benefit to the employee and a direct loss to the company. - This also applies to any fraud or scam committed against any third party related to the company. |
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Money laundering
Conducts described as infringements of applicable regulations on money laundering and financing of terrorism shall be reportable. |
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Public health
Any conduct carried out within the company that could pose a risk to public health shall be reportable. |
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Workplace and sexual harassment and discrimination
Any act of discrimination for any reason or sexual or workplace harassment (mobbing) committed within the company or toward third parties shall be reportable. |
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